Thursday, March 14, 2013

Top Ten Quick Stress Fixes

Greetings! I hope your week is going well with a manageable level of stress to deal with.
Here'a nice health product to check out.
The health benefits related to regular exercise on a superior quality rebounder are impressive. And one of rebounding's major health benefits is reducing stress.

Below is a list of my Top Ten Quick Stress Fixes. I hope that you'll take a moment and check them out. If you feel so inclined, I'd like to hear back from you in the comments section.

Drum roll please...

Number 10: Find a nearby mirror, and repeat some positive self-talk. Positive affirmations can provide instant stress relief in just a few minutes. It's well worth giving a try.

Number 9: Turn off the television news. Don't get caught up reading the news section of your favorite Internet website. Don't let the issues of the day consume you to the point of stressing you out and causing you to worry.

Number 8: Do something fun with family or friends. Get together with them and socialize. These people are your support system. Enjoy their company and erase stress quickly.

Number 7: Turn off your cell phone, television, computer, and other gadgets for an hour or two and get in touch with your "quiet" side. Give your stress a chance to subside before turning back on your iphone or responding to emails.

Number 6: Take a good look at your "to-do" list and see if you can cut some corners with those task to free up some time. Some of those tasks probably have a way you can complete them without your needing to worry about if the outcome is perfect or not.

Number 5: Rebound on a high-quality exercise rebounder -- preferably the Cellerciser® . You probably thought I was going to rank this as Number 1, didn't you? It's true. Rebound exercise is an excellent, natural way to relieve the harmful effects of stress in the privacy of your own home. No one is looking, so have fun and be yourself while your rebounding.

Number 4: Watch a funny movie with others. Laughter has a proven stress relief so don't hesitate to tickle your funny bone for some immediate stress relief.

Number 3: Enjoy a bath with some spa products or take a nice, hot shower. Soothing warm water and a mix of bubbles, salts, and essential oils will help you relax and take your mind off your troubles.

Number 2: Take an hour or so out of your day and get a massage. Better yet, schedule a massage for you and your spouse in the same room at the same time. Spoil yourself and get relief for the tension on your neck and back muscles as a result of stress.

Number 1: Listen to music. Turning on some calming tunes can be just the trick to relax you as well as lift your spirits. Focus on what you're hearing and forget about your stressful job or whatever else may be bothering you.

With my apologies to David Letterman, that's a pretty good list to invigorate you when your mired down in stress. Try out some of these fixes and you'll soon feel the difference in your stress levels.


  1. My favorite is actually #7. Disconnecting from all the tech is one of my favorite ways to reduce my stress. I know it will all still be there when I come back. :)

  2. The news is a huge stressor. I remember watching the news for almost 72 hours straight when the US first went into Iraq... I couldn't stop watching, and it was horrible. A very stressful time! After that, I did not watch news as much, but none of the news seems to be good news these days. Apparently I'm not the only one that thinks that listening to bad things happening constantly all over the world upsets their nerves!

  3. I've got something to add to your #1 technique :) On my highschool track team, we were taught to do something with our playlists called mood matching. Meaning that when you begin listening to music, you first pick 3-5 songs that match your current mood, however you're feeling (sad songs, slow songs, angry songs), and then over the course of 15-20 minutes slowly change the mood of the songs you're picking to match how you'd like to feel (happy, mellow, or powerful) until your mood matches the music. I use this technique a lot, and not just for sports!

  4. Phones stress me out so much! I know that they effect me much more than most people, but I just can't stand it. So, I advise everyone I know to only call me within certain hours unless it's an undeniable emergency. I filter my calls through Google Voice, so that I can make sure that only numbers that I would care about get through outside of those times. That way I can wake up and drink my coffee and get ready for my day in piece, without being interrupted.
